Online Shoppers Zap Killer Asteroid
Want to save the earth from global warming? Go green. Go online shopping. A recent scientific study has shown that based on a comparison with hopping in the car to go to the mall, shopping online results in a net decrease of fossil fuel use by the average consumer. And with the skyrocketing cost of gasoline, it makes even more sense to do your bit for Mother Earth while also saving your hard earned and ever diminishing cash, now doesn't it? Another scientific study shows that the collective will of online shoppers can knock down a killer asteroid on a collision course with our planet. Okay, I'm just kidding about the asteroid . We'll let NASA handle that. Or maybe the guy I met one day in my previous incarnation as a mild mannered reporter with a great metropolitan newspaper. (I actually worked at the paper that was the model for the Daily Planet in the Superman comic strip, no kidding.) This fellow asked to speak t...